6 Tips for Visiting Wild Areas Safely


Visitors to scenic spaces like Montana and Kauai may find themselves overwhelmed by more than just the views, with and without those apex predators in sight. With so much to experience, it’s easy to want to jump right into these remote areas. But safety is important too. Being prepared as you head into the wild can help keep you safe and protect the natural areas you visit simultaneously.

Do your research and plan ahead

There are so many ways to learn more about how to recreate responsibility and safely when you head into the wilderness. Reading articles like this, attending a ranger talk, or attending an education event at a local REI can all help you get comfortable when visiting these places. The more you learn, the better you can respect the wild and wonderful places that are out there to explore.

Bring the ten essentials

When you visit remote spaces, it pays to be prepared for anything. That’s where the ten essentials come in. According to the National Park Service, the ten essentials are “a collection of first aid and emergency items that can help you in the event of minor injuries, sudden weather changes, or unexpected delays.” The essentials include navigation, sun protection, extra layers, a light source, a first aid kit, a fire starter, food, plenty of water, and some sort of emergency shelter. It’s important to remember that these are just the essentials, so you may need other gear depending on the activity and how long you’ll be out. But adding these to your pack gives a good starting point for safety.

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Get to know the hazards

If you’re visiting a rugged or remote area that you’re not familiar with and are nervous about, it can help alleviate your fears when you get to know the dangers out there. While bears or sharks might seem scary, learning that they rarely attack humans can help you feel more comfortable when you come into their homes. Add in those skills of how to be bear aware and avoid shark attacks, and you can feel even more confident in your ability to stay safe.

Go with a guide if it’s your first time

You don't have to go alone if you’re eager to head out into the wild. Hiring a guide can be a great way to be comfortable, stay safe, and get to know more about the area while traveling in a regenerative way that supports local businesses. It’s even better if you can go with a guiding company owned by members of the indigenous communities in the area you’re visiting.

Start small and ease into it

If you want to explore the backcountry but have never gone on a day hike, start small before you dive in. Maybe you go on a guided ranger hike or take a few day hikes and some frontcountry camping trips before you apply for your backcountry permits.

Booking accommodation near those wild areas in a gateway community can help you stay close to the areas you want to explore while enjoying comfortable amenities. Starry Night campgrounds, vacation rentals, and hotels in Montana and Kauai can help you explore some of those wild areas known for their natural beauty. Book your stay to explore.

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