Our Favorite Brands That Practice Sustainability


A huge way that you can be more sustainable yourself is to prioritize sustainability in the brands you support. That’s why we love to feature companies that are doing good and looking out for the planet. In Starry Night’s neighborhoods, there are plenty of businesses doing far more than the minimum to contribute to sustainability. Here are a few of our favorites.


EcoMontana is an organization devoted to “cleaning up the take-out food industry by replacing plastic containers and utensils with compostable options.” While you may not be a restaurant manager looking to upgrade your to-go options, you can still peruse their list of locations to find inspiration for where to eat when you’re dining around Montana. And then you have the double whammy of supporting EcoMontana, as well as other businesses that prioritize sustainability.

Alpacas of Montana

As we re-learn the benefits of using natural fibers like wool for performance outdoor wear, Alpacas of Montana offers a Montana-based option that takes sustainability seriously. Sport stylish base layers and outerwear from Montana-raised alpacas. And the alpaca fiber that goes into their clothing is produced on their Bozeman farm. Plus, their designs are timeless and cozy enough for a Montana winter.

Holo Holo Charters

With a boat tour with Holo Holo Charters, you get more than just a beautiful look at the island and its ocean ecosystem. You also get to support the only Kauai boat tour company certified by the Sustainable Tourism Association of Hawaii (STAH). STAH offers a certification program for tour operators who want to show their commitment to authentic experiences and environmental protection.

Kauai Coffee Company

Kauai Coffee is triple certified by leading sustainability advocates: Fair Trade USA, Non-GMO Project, and the Rainforest Alliance. They’re recycling water, making pesticide use more efficient and less intrusive, and utilizing cover crops and composting in their processes. And it doesn’t hurt that their coffee is delicious, too.

Grove Farm

Grove Farm is an important historic site on the island of Kauai, where visitors can tour a museum about its history. But a different entity by the same name remains responsible for the stewardship of the original acreage of the farm, as well as additional property totaling 38,000 acres. The company’s vision of building a sustainable Kauai includes protecting historic sites, encouraging the use of renewable energy sources, and protecting water, among other initiatives.

Another great way to find sustainable brands in your community and around the world is to look for Certified B Corps that have made a commitment to meet “high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials,” including high environmental and social performance.

And when you travel, you can support those local businesses that are doing good, while doing your best to practice regenerative tourism. Part of that can be finding accommodation that takes regenerative tourism seriously, too. Starry Night puts our communities and natural resources at the forefront. Learn more about our commitment to regenerative tourism and how you can get involved on your next trip.